
When creating your stores you can provide configuration for more advanced scenarios. In most cases you shouldn't need to reach for these configuration options, however, they can be useful so it is good to familiarise yourself with them.

We have split the configuration parameters into two groupings, standard and advanced. The advanced configuration options cover the options used to customise the underlying Redux store.

Standard configuration

  • name (string, optional, default=EasyPeasyStore)

    Allows you to customise the name of the store. This is especially useful when you are creating multiple stores as you will easily be able to distinguish and toggle between the different store instances within the Redux dev tools.

  • version (number, optional, default=0)

    Allows you to tag the "version" of your store. This is particularly useful when utilizing the persist APIs as they reference the version number to ensure that any persisted state matches the required store version prior to rehydrating the store.

  • devTools (boolean, optional, default=false)

    Setting this to true will enable the Redux Dev Tools Extension(opens new window) .

    Note: this will be enabled by default if your process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production'.

  • disableImmer (boolean, optional, default=false)

    If you set this to true, then immer(opens new window) will be disabled, meaning you can no longer mutate state directly within actions and will instead have to return immutable state as in a standard Redux reducer.

  • initialState (Object, optional, default=undefined)

    Allows you to hydrate your store with initial state (for example state received from your server in a server rendering context).

  • injections (Object, optional, default=undefined)

    Any dependencies you would like to inject. These will be exposed to your thunks and effects.

  • mockActions (boolean, optional, default=false)

    Useful when testing your store, especially in the context of thunks. When set to true none of the actions dispatched will update the state, they will be instead recorded and can be accessed via the getMockedActions API that is added to the store. Please see the "Testing" section for more information.

Advanced configuration

Under the hood we use Redux. You can customise the Redux store via the following Redux-specific configuration properties:

  • compose (Function, optional, default=undefined)

    Custom compose(opens new window) function that will be used in place of the one from Redux. This is especially useful in the context of React Native and other environments. See the Usage with React Native notes.

  • enhancers (Array, optional, default=[])

    Any custom store enhancers(opens new window) you would like to apply to your Redux store.

  • middleware (Array, optional, default=[])

    An array of Redux middleware(opens new window) you would like to attach to your store.

  • reducerEnhancer (Function, optional, default=(reducer => reducer))

    Any additional reducerEnhancer you would like to enhance to your root reducer (for example you want to use redux-persist(opens new window) ).