
This helper is useful in the context of actions.

Actions use the immer(opens new window) library under the hood in order to convert mutative updates into immutable ones. Therefore if you try to console.log your state within an action you will see a Proxy object or a null is printed.

Use this helper in order to get the actual value of the state within your action.


const model = {
  increment: action((state, payload) => {
    state.count += 1;
    console.log(state); // 👈 prints a Proxy object or a null


import { debug } from 'easy-peasy';

const model = {
  increment: action((state, payload) => {
    state.count += 1;
    console.log(debug(state)); // 👈 prints the "native" state representation

Note: If you have set the disableImmer configuration value on the store you will not need to use this helper.